
Mostrando las entradas de octubre, 2021
 Australia 🐨 I have always dreamed of wanting to know Australia for its great connection with nature and its variety, also for being a multicultural country where many people from different countries of the world live. Some curiosities that I know about this country, in the first place as I mentioned above, is that it is considered a very biodiverse country, with a great variety of flora and fauna that can only be found in that country. The excellent quality of life in that country, with a very good economy and also great security with a "rule of law" that safeguards equality among all the inhabitants of that country, and also a very good educational and health system. In the not too distant future, I would like to live there, continue my studies, learn about the different cultures that reside in that country, their languages, work in something related to my career and also something that has to do with animals and travel around the different cities of that country,  for exa