
Mostrando las entradas de noviembre, 2021
  My Cats Peppa Almost 11 years ago, Peppa came to my house through the roof, she was only about 1 week old (according to the veterinarian), I noticed her presence because the dogs that my father had, at that time, began to bark and Peppa was about to fall, I managed to save her and from that moment I decided to adopt her. Luna Peppa is very hairy, she has very straight hair, she is very lazy and very affectionate (compared to most other cats), she is also the mother of my other cat named Luna, she is more energetic than her mother, because she love to play with my brother and my nephew, they like to hug him and give him kisses on the stomach. Peppa sleeping in the bed. Both are very important in my life, since I share with them every day, mainly with Peppa, since she sleeps with me and purrs me  Luna sitting in the bed. every night, Luna is also very affectionate but she likes to sleep alone, plus she is very restless and when she was also staying with me, at 4:00 in the morning she w
 Algarrobo Beach In January 2017 we went with my family to Algarrobo beach (commune), the trip was approximately 2 hours (including the traffic that was in those days, since the vast majority travel in that summer season or also in February) but it was worth the worth the wait. I went with my parents, sister, uncles, cousins, etc, we were approximately 20 people and we stayed on my uncles' plot. What we did the most in those 2 weeks was eat in the different restaurants of the coastal resort, we went to the pool, we also did camping and took a ride in the boats and yachts on the beach, it was a very good experience since my family is super motivated to We carry out many activities with which we all have a good time. For me, it has been the best experience since most of my life I have not shared much with the rest of my family, since no one lives nearby, so the prospect of us all going to the beach was a nice experience. I know them better, and thanks to that trip I was able to share