
Mostrando las entradas de enero, 2022

Changes in my study plan:

The main changes that I would make regarding the subjects related to my career would be the introductory courses, since these (based on my experience and that of my generation) were not very relevant to learn more about the importance of studying Food Engineering. Some of these classes are called ''Introduction to Food Engineering (I and II)'' which consisted of making presentations/exhibitions on different topics related to food (for example: the manufacture/elaboration of cheeses, the origin, the current impact, etc.). In my opinion, it would have been a better experience if these subjects had focused more on learning about the workplace, research fields (laboratories), companies and production plants with great job opportunities, etc. Laboratories are a fundamental part of the 4 careers of the Faculty of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, since both are widely developed in chemistry, so the field of research should be more encouraged from the first year, since thi

North Pole in the 21st century:

As it says in the title, I would like to travel to the North Pole in 2045, where I think it will be considered one of the largest countries on the planet and, in turn, one of the coldest. I'd probably like to live there for a while, to see if I can get used to the cold weather there, but I've always liked the cold anyway, I'm not a big fan of hot, dry places, so I don't think I'd It is hard for me to adapt, and I would also like to live with the native animals and be able to take care of them and preserve their homes. I would also like to be able to learn more about taking care of that climate so that the glaciers do not melt, to have the technology of the future to be able to preserve and control the climate so that it can be adapted for all people and animals, thus increasing the fauna of that country and in turn it would be much more varied, where everyone would have a home to live in and would be safer, away from hunters and meat product industries. Another rea